30 September, 2006


Just so my readers (?) understand a few things...

Technology has somewhat passed me by; at home I still connect to the internet via 1) A dial-up connection and 2) an original tangerine Ibook running OS 9.something, which means that Blogger, among others, no longer really lets me do anything from home. Lucky for me, at work I have access to a T1 line and shockingly up-to-date PCs, so I can post here. HOWEVER, I only work four days a week.


From now on, I will post the "actual" date upon which I wrote an entry as part of the entry's title. For example, the previous entry (which I have now corrected), will now be "Anais Nin: A Biography 27 September". The post date I cannot change, and it will only reflect the moment at which I managed to pull the text up off an email to myself at work and throw it up here.

Such it must be until the day I find the financial and spiritual wherewithal to do something about my home internet situation which won't be anytime soon...

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