23 October, 2006

Oh no! Get thee behind me, Nyarlathotep!

While innocently searching around for my next round of non-fiction (honest!) I came across an item available at my local public library that is my worst temptation towards fast-breaking yet.

They have a collection of H.P. Lovecraft's stories translated into Spanish called "La Ultima Prueba." And I am due in one week's time to spend two weeks at the law enforcement academy taking an intensive course in law enforcement Spanish. What an enjoyable study tool this would otherwise be, especially as (sigh) Halloween approaches.

Of course, I already read Spanish fairly well; it's the speaking and (worse) listening, especially to agitated persons on bad cell phone connections who desperately need my help and seem to have forgotten what "mas despacio, por favor" means. But still.

But still...

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